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If you’re having trouble urinating or waking up in the middle of the night to go, you should consult a urologist. Nowadays, the urology problem in men is a very common thing and nothing to be ashamed of. A urologist can also assist you if you are experiencing pelvic pain or have lost your sexual drive. However, there are numerous other urological disorders in males and reasons to consult a urologist.

A urologist is a physician who specializes in diagnosing and treating urinary tract disorders. The urethra, bladder, and kidneys are all included.

Here are seven compelling reasons why you should consult a urologist.

If you are Experiencing Prostate Symptoms or Prostate Problem

Prostate Problem

The prostate is a tiny gland that aids in the production of sperm. It protects the urethra, which is the tube that allows urine and sperm to exit your body. The gland becomes larger with age, but if it becomes too huge commonly known as enlarged prostate, it might cause complications. An enlarged prostate can compress the urethra, making it difficult to pee. The bladder may grow weaker and unable to empty. It may cause you to go more frequently, especially at night.

Prostatitis is a disorder in which the prostate gland becomes inflamed or infected. When you urinate, this can cause pain. If you have a bacterial infection, you may experience fever and chills. Pain in your lower back, groin, or the tip of your penis may be caused by recurring prostate infections.

A urologist can diagnose your prostate symptoms. A doctor can give medicine to reduce the prostate or relax the muscles around it if it is swollen. Limiting alcohol before bedtime, reducing stress, obtaining regular exercise, and taking the time to empty your bladder could all assist thoroughly. Another possibility is surgery.

The cause determines the treatment for prostatitis. A urologist can perform a physical exam and blood and urine tests to determine the source of the problem. Medications can usually treat prostatitis. Drinking enough water, getting plenty of rest, and taking stool softeners may also help.

If you suffer from Kidney Stones

kidney stone

Kidney stones can cause difficulty urinating, murky or bloody urine, an upset stomach, and severe discomfort in your side, back, groin, or lower belly. These symptoms necessitate the prompt attention of a urologist.

Kidney stones are hard, pebble-like deposits that develop within the kidneys. They might cause discomfort as they pass through your urinary tract. A urologist will order blood and urine tests and imaging studies to ensure that the problem is a kidney stone. To help you pass the stone, the doctor may prescribe drugs or use sound wave therapy. If the stone becomes trapped along the way, surgery may be required.

A urologist might also propose lifestyle changes that may aid in the prevention of kidney stones. This includes drinking more water, limiting your intake of salt and animal protein, and avoiding calcium supplements.

If you have a Urinary Tract Infection


Bacteria enter the urinary tract and cause urinary tract infections (UTIs). UTIs can induce urination pain or burning, as well as an urgent need to urinate. You may also experience a fever, hazy urine, or pain in your lower abdomen. Women are more likely than men to have UTIs. Men with an enlarged prostate or kidney stones, on the other hand, are at risk. Men on bed rest are also affected.

UTIs require immediate treatment to prevent the infection from spreading from your bladder to your kidneys. Urologists typically prescribe antibiotics to treat infections. The doctor may also advise you on how to avoid developing a UTI in the future. Drinking enough fluids can assist in flushing bacteria from your urinary tract. Consuming more cranberries, blueberries, and citrus fruits may also help prevent UTIs.

If you suffer from Urinary Incontinence


The loss of bladder control is referred to as urinary incontinence (UI). It affects up to one-third of all elderly males. The issue could be with your urinary tract’s muscles or nerves. UI can also be caused by brain or spine disorders and an enlarged prostate. Being overweight or inactive might also have a negative impact. You may have an overactive bladder if you have UI. There is a difficulty with the timing of nerve signals flowing to your bladder in this disease, and you cannot use the restroom on time.

The cause determines the treatment for UI. Medicines, medical gadgets, and surgery are all options. On the other hand, urologists frequently recommend specific activities and lifestyle changes first. This may include bladder training, in which you learn to wait longer between bathroom visits. The doctor may also advise urinating twice a row and restricting caffeinated or acidic foods and beverages.

If you suffer from Erectile Dysfunction

erectile dysfunction

Your chances of experiencing erectile dysfunction (ED) grow as you get older. You can’t get and keep an erection if you have ED. It can impact your self-esteem, quality of life, and relationships. ED could be an indication of a curable physical condition. For example, low amounts of the male hormone testosterone can induce ED. Chronic illnesses like diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson’s disease, depression, and alcoholism can also raise the risk.

The cause determines the treatment of ED. Medication and testosterone therapy are also alternatives. A penis implant or a pump are other options for severe instances. A urologist can explain the benefits and drawbacks of certain procedures. A urologist can also advise you on possible lifestyle adjustments. It involves quitting smoking, decreasing excess weight, and exercising regularly. Limiting alcohol use and reducing stress can also assist.

If you’re looking for Long-term Birth Control

birth control

A urologist can perform a vasectomy if you know you’re done having children. The tubes that deliver sperm from your testicles to your penis are severed during this treatment. After that, your sperm will be gone from your sperm. You will continue to produce sperm, but your body will resorb it. A urologist can also provide information on different types of birth control. The doctor can go over the long-term dangers and advantages of each strategy.

Many urologists also provide infertility treatment. They may be able to assist you if you want children but are unable to do so due to a medical condition.

If Your Urine Contains Blood

blood in urine

Blood in the urine typically indicates an infection, kidney stones, or another kidney problem. However, it can also be an indication of bladder cancer. Other symptoms may include wanting to urinate more frequently than normal, having difficulty going to the bathroom, and experiencing back pain. As you become older, your chances of developing prostate cancer rise. You’re also more likely to get the condition if you have a family history.

A urologist may be the first health care practitioner you consult if experiencing these symptoms. The doctor can perform an examination and request blood, urine, and other tests to make a diagnosis. Cancers detected early are usually easier to treat, so don’t put off seeing a urologist.

Final Words

We understand urinary health isn’t usually the manliest issue, but we’re ready to alter that! Whether you’re coming for an annual check-up or for a specific cause, prioritizing your health is always vital, especially as you get older. An annual urologist check-up can assist not only diagnose and treating numerous major disorders that affect men’s long-term urinary health.

The best Urologist Dr. Dushyant Panwar can assist you if you are looking for the finest-in-class treatments for your urological problems. He analyses each patient’s problem and treats them with the greatest attention and assistance.

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