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Urologist in Ahmedabad


Dushyant Pawar
Laparoscopic surgeon in Ahmedabad
Laparoscopic surgery has revolutionized modern medical procedures, providing a minimally invasive alternative to traditional open surgeries. Whether you are considering this procedure for yourself or a loved one, understanding its advantages is essential. This article explores laparoscopic surgery, its key benefits, and how advanced techniques enhance patient recovery. If you’re seeking a skilled laparoscopic surgeon...
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Urinary Tract Infection Treatment
મૂત્રમાર્ગનો ચેપ મૂત્રાશય ચેપ શું છે? મૂત્રાશય ચેપ, જેને સિસ્ટીટીસ પણ કહેવામાં આવે છે, તે પેશાબના માર્ગમાં થતો બેક્ટેરિયલ ચેપ છે. આ ચેપ મૂત્રાશય, મૂત્રમાર્ગ, કિડની અથવા પેશાબની નળીમાં ક્યાંય પણ થઈ શકે છે અને માનવ શરીરમાં થતો સૌથી સામાન્ય બેક્ટેરિયલ ચેપ છે. મોટાભાગના કિસ્સાઓમાં, મૂત્રાશય ચેપ ખતરનાક નથી, જો સમયસર સારવાર ન લેવાય તો...
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Best foods for kidney stones
Kidney stones can be a painful and recurring health issue if not managed well. While medical treatment is essential, dietary changes play a crucial role in preventing and managing kidney stones. Indeed, it is, and any diet aimed at preventing stone formation must be accompanied by a diet that will promote good overall kidney health....
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white particles in urine female causes
Noticing white particles in urine can be unsettling, especially if unsure about the cause. For women, urinary changes are relatively common due to various biological factors. While some causes are harmless, others may indicate an underlying health issue. In this blog, we’ll explore the potential reasons behind white particles in urine in women and when...
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Causes of RBC in urine
Seeing blood in your urine can be alarming, but it’s more common than you might think. Medically known as hematuria, the presence of red blood cells (RBCs) in urine may indicate an underlying health issue whether it’s visible to the naked eye or detected only through lab tests, understanding the Causes of RBCs in Urine, identifying Blood...
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Urologist in Ahmedabad
When discussing men’s health, the focus often falls on diet, exercise, and routine check-ups with a general physician. However, one crucial aspect that often goes unnoticed is urology. From common urinary issues to complex reproductive and sexual health disorders, a urologist plays a significant role in men’s overall health. For those seeking expert care in...
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Vasectomy vs. Tubal Ligation
In today’s world, family planning has become a cornerstone of responsible parenthood. For couples who have decided not to have more children, permanent birth control methods offer a safe and effective solution. Among these options, vasectomy and tubal ligation are the most common. While both procedures are designed to prevent pregnancy permanently, they differ significantly...
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Urologist in Ahmedabad
Male fertility issues are a common concern, yet they remain less discussed compared to female fertility. Infertility affects around 15% of couples globally, with male factors contributing to nearly half of these cases. While advancements in medicine have improved our understanding of male fertility, identifying when to seek help is critical. This blog will explore...
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Causes of Epithelial Cells in Urine
Epithelial cells are a necessary component of the body’s tissues, playing a key role in maintaining organ structure and protecting internal surfaces. However, when epithelial cells are found in urine, they can indicate various conditions related to urinary tract health. Understanding what these cells signify is crucial for diagnosis and treatment. Dr. Dushyant Pawar, a...
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